Detailed schedule
Class 14
- Today we will use class time to focus on completion of essential work.
- Anyone who has not completed the WiD component (EPR2 Part B) should do so in class today.
- We aim for every team to get their first issue merged, at a minimum. So far Team 2 has their first issue merged but the other teams do not. Please use class time to resolve all remaining problems with your first issue.
Class 13
Please complete the official feedback form for this course.
Standup meetings and Epic project work
Class 12
Standup meetings and Epic project work
Class 11
- Discussion of how to ask good technical questions
- Teams have standup meetings with instructor and continue working on Epic project
Class 10
- Brief explanation of standup meetings (Wikipedia, journal article)
- Team standup meetings with instructor
- Teams continue working on Epic project
Class 9
Epic teams:
team number | team members | issue | origin repo |
1 | Ha, Tai, James | #160 | origin |
2 | John, Wonje, Shahir | #159 | origin |
3 | Duc, Quan, Tap | #158 | origin |
Class 8
- Please complete the mid-semester survey.
- Overview of FarmData2 custom components (slides)
- Useful general skill: using
to explore a code base.- I often use
find . -name "*something*"
- … and
grep -r "something" *
… and-i
is useful to ignore case,-l
to show filenames only
- I often use
Class 7
- Overview of end-to-end tests with Cypress (slides)
Class 6
- Overview of FarmOS API (slides)
- git is much easier to use if you enable tab completion. This is not
enabled in our FarmData2 development environments by default.
Search online for instructions. On linux, the following may work:
source /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/git
in a terminal. On a Mac, the following worked for me:
curl -o ~/.git-completion.bash source ~/.git-completion.bash
To automatically enable it in every shell (i.e. terminal), add that command to the end of the file
Class 5
- Discussion of communication in open-source software projects based on Fogel chapter 6 (homework assignment MP2).
- Overview of web API task (slides)
Class 4
Visit to College Farm. Meet 1:25pm in Kaufman parking lot near DPS entrance. We will return before 3pm.
- Optional video (15 minutes) explaining this week’s assignment: class 4 video
- at 4:30, the webpage shown in this video is not up-to-date. It should of course include the content for class 4, including the PowerPoint for class 4 and the demo code for class 4.
- Slides available for background reading if necessary: 04-S-VueEventsAndJS.pptx
- Demo code for Vue events:
Class 3
- Discussion of Fogel chapter 1
- Slides for today: 03-S-VueDataBinding.pptx
- Vue demo code:
Class 2
Reminder about QRA.
Reminder about Zulip.
Introduction to HTML within Farmdata2:
- slides: 02-S-HTML.pptx
Class 1
Overview of the course.
Review of FarmData2 dev install.
slides: 01-intro-Install.pptx
Last modified: Wed May 03 12:17:49 UTC 2023 by jmac.