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Detailed schedule

Class 14

Class 13

  1. Please complete the official feedback form for this course.

  2. Standup meetings and Epic project work

Class 12

Standup meetings and Epic project work

Class 11

  1. Discussion of how to ask good technical questions
  2. Teams have standup meetings with instructor and continue working on Epic project

Class 10

  1. Brief explanation of standup meetings (Wikipedia, journal article)
  2. Team standup meetings with instructor
  3. Teams continue working on Epic project

Class 9

Epic teams:

team number team members issue origin repo
1 Ha, Tai, James #160 origin
2 John, Wonje, Shahir #159 origin
3 Duc, Quan, Tap #158 origin

Class 8

Class 7

Class 6

Class 5

Class 4

Visit to College Farm. Meet 1:25pm in Kaufman parking lot near DPS entrance. We will return before 3pm.

Class 3

Class 2

Reminder about QRA.

Reminder about Zulip.

Introduction to HTML within Farmdata2:

Class 1

Overview of the course.

Review of FarmData2 dev install.

slides: 01-intro-Install.pptx

Last modified: Wed May 03 12:17:49 UTC 2023 by jmac.